Photo de Is diversity protected and valued at Accenture? In what ways ?

Is diversity protected and valued at Accenture? In what ways ?

Photo de Hana
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Catégorie: Diversité

Date: lundi, septembre 11, 2023

Dernière révision: mardi, janvier 9, 2024

Photo de Hana A.

Hana A.

Chargée de communication Marque Employeur

Hi, Accenture has been recognized for its commitment to diversity and inclusion. We create an inclusive and positive work environment to enable each employee to thrive professionally. For example : we recruit profiles from all backgrounds and social environments, we aim for a perfect gender balance in teams, we respect all forms of sexual orientation and identities, we respect religious beliefs, we support parenthood... More than just written sentences, each month we highlight these programs through workshops, conferences and awareness-raising activities for our employees. Personally, these different actions really motivated me to join Accenture.

mardi, janvier 9, 2024

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