Photo de I have applied several times on the career website and haven't gotten a response back

I have applied several times on the career website and haven't gotten a response back

6 réponses
210 vues

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I applied for Workday consultant positions in Accenture Paris but haven't gotten any response back, could you please advise me on the next steps to take? Thank you.

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Syrine V. a demandé pendant le Live Chat Accenture : Idées reçues VS Réalités à Accenture

Catégorie: Statut de candidature

Date: jeudi, février 28, 2019

Dernière révision: lundi, mars 4, 2019

Mira F.

Responsable Recrutement

Ghita tells me you have already joined our chat! welcome back :)

jeudi, février 28, 2019

Mira F.

Responsable Recrutement

Usually we always send a reply to any application received : unfortunately sometimes it is difficult to manage all the applications we receive!

jeudi, février 28, 2019

Mira F.

Responsable Recrutement

Could you please give me your full name and I will check with my collegues

jeudi, février 28, 2019

Mira F.

Responsable Recrutement

In any case we apologies...

jeudi, février 28, 2019

Kamel O.

Is Accenture tolerant towards the hijab or is it not possible to get a job at Accenture when we're a hijabi woman ?

jeudi, février 28, 2019

Ghita U.

Chargée de communication digitale

Hello Syrine, We truly apologize for this negative experience. Please do not hesitate to give me your full name and we will look further as to why you never received an answer. @Kamel, at Accenture, we truly encourage respect and authenticity at work, so I can confirm to you that hijabi women are welcome in our company :) We aim to develop an inclusive and positive work environment. We build teams of different personalities and backgrounds and make concrete commitments through several programs to encourage diversity in the workplace. I hope this answers your question. Best Regards, Ghita

lundi, mars 4, 2019

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